
Find out how businesses can rethink talent management and skills needs to become employers of choice

改变技能概况, a shrinking UK workforce and business transformation are all intensifying the war for talent.

As corporates strive to become more resilient in turbulent markets the way that they attract, 参与, 培养和留住顶尖人才对未来的商业成功至关重要.

并行, Covid-19 has made many employees reconsider their employment expectations and relationship with work. They are less willing to remain in roles that offer limited career progression, 或者容忍糟糕的工作场所行为, 而在竞争激烈的人才市场中,他们能够决定如何去做, 他们什么时候为谁工作.

员工和企业价值观都在经历如此重大的转变, 人力资源部门有五个重点领域, 这将使组织在人才争夺战中取得成功.

  • 发现员工敬业度的驱动因素
  • 为未来的技能需求做计划
  • 建立包容的工作场所
  • 创造持续学习的机会
  • 重新考虑奖励和福利


  • 发现员工敬业度的驱动因素 

    新冠肺炎疫情和98858威尼斯70570成本危机影响了人们的士气, 幸福感和工作投入. 这让许多员工重新评估自己的工作重点, 比如弹性工作制, 因此,企业不得不重新考虑员工敬业度.

    建立积极的文化联系, 或者重新连接时, employees with their work environment will retain talent and attract the future workforce.

  • 为未来的技能需求做计划

    Covid-19的意外冲击, 以及数字化等长期趋势, 已经动摇了关键技能. It has also shown just how quickly knowledge needs can change in a world of ongoing disruption.

    通过了解业务需求将如何演变, 雇主可以预测他们需要哪些技能来实现变革. 然后,组织可以主动对员工进行再培训和技能提升, 而不是被动地依靠外部招聘来填补技能缺口.

  • 建立包容的工作场所
    创造一个包容的工作场所是人才争夺战的重要组成部分, ensuring that organisations recruit the best skills and experience regardless of characteristics and circumstances. 通过支持不同的员工群体, 比如父母和照顾者, 雇主可以保留技能和经验, 为公司里的每个人建立引人注目的职业道路.
  • 持续的学习机会和职业道路

    Employees who thrive are likely to work in cultures that are supportive of mid-career moves, 并置身于一种持续学习和成长的文化中.

    That also means equipping line managers to support and enable continuous learning, 确保每个人都有平等的学习和发展机会, 并重新思考职业结构,以迎接更注重敏捷技能的未来.

  • 重新考虑奖励和福利
    Employee benefits are part of the culture of business and deliver a valuable edge in the talent war. From pension contributions to the principles of saying thank-you for a job well done, 它们是一个强有力的信号,表明公司对员工的重视, 不仅仅是工资单, 并希望帮助员工在未来茁壮成长.
As corporates strive to become more resilient in turbulent markets the way that they attract, 参与, 培养和留住顶尖人才对未来的商业成功至关重要.



Explore nine key actions that organisations need to take for future talent planning.  美世丰富的咨询专业知识, market data and benchmarking capabilities means that we can support you in building an action plan to attract and retain an agile, 有弹性的劳动力.
  • 倾听员工的心声

    什么? 通过倾听他们的人民, businesses can understand what motivates current talent and identify ways to improve culture, 福利和职业机会来留住他们.

    如何? 脉冲调查, 员工网络, face-to-face conversations and line manager feedback can all help to build a picture of employee 参与ment and feed into future strategy.

  • 重新评估员工价值主张(EVP)

    什么? Traditionally, organisations have taken a one-size-fits all approach to their EVP. As organisations build better data about the range of needs and priorities in their workforce, 很明显,一个包罗万象的执行副总裁将不再奏效.

    如何: Reviewing the EVP and exploring ways to make it more personalised will help to attract new, 多元化的人才,创造更具包容性的环境.

  • 了解员工的潜力

    什么? Employees often have a wealth of skills beyond their current roles and an appetite to develop new expertise. Forward-thinking employers recognise the vast potential already present in their workforce and how to harness it for future growth.

    如何? 采用数据驱动的方法来了解员工的潜力, how this matches future needs and identify ways to reskill and upskill employees to further develop their talent.

  • 创造新的招聘方法

    什么? Even organisations with strong internal skills development will sometimes need to recruit externally. 新技能和人才需求也可能意味着招聘方式的改变.

    如何? 探索利用区域优势的方法, 本地和全球, 同时也要审视你的招聘策略的包容性.

  • 从工作到技能的转变

    什么? 随着组织变得更加敏捷, internal talent marketplaces and career development based on skills rather than job roles will become higher priority.

    如何? Rethink job architectures and structures to focus on units of skills and breaking down traditional inflexible structures. Be transparent about what skills employees will need for the future and empower them to develop those skills so that they can approach the future with confidence.

  • 发展灵活的工作

    什么? 2019冠状病毒病迫使员工和雇主都采取远程灵活工作方式. 在一些组织中, that accelerated existing trends; for others it demanded an immediate change of systems, job design and management styles which must now be readdressed to form a permanent part of the EVP.

    如何? 雇主必须 发展他们灵活的工作方式 作为其执行副总裁的一部分,并吸引广泛而包容的人才基础. 创造更灵活的退休方式, 比如兼职, 是否也有助于留住有经验的从业人员和吸引年长的员工.

  • 创造一个多元化、公平和包容的工作场所

    什么? 支付, 招聘和机会差距都会影响员工的留任, 公司信誉和未来人才吸引力.

    如何? Collate and analyse workforce data to prioritise and address gaps linked to characteristics such as gender or ethnicity, 或者作为父母和照顾者的影响.

  • 建立真实的文化

    什么? Creating a strong corporate brand is an important part of attracting potential employees – but only if it is authentic. A mismatch between an employer’s messaging and the actual experience of working for an organisation causes reputational damage and can impact future talent attraction.

    如何? 鼓励透明度, 分享经验,倾听员工, 了解如何继续发展积极的文化. 创造信任的管理者, psychological safety and encourage the 职业生涯 and skills growth of their workforce have a vital role to play in retaining talent.

  • 确定并传达高影响力员工的福利

    什么? Offering employee benefits that are relevant to the workforce and flexible enough to meet different needs are a differentiator in the war for talent. 和, it’s important to communicate benefits effectively to help people understand the full value of their offering, 包括学习机会.

    如何? 美世’s wealth of data can help you to benchmark your organisation’s benefits offering both within your own sector and against others wanting to attract the same skills. We can help you to present benefits clearly and in ways that maximise their value for employees to help retain talent.

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In the UK are satisfied with their organisation’s policies and support systems to enable remote, 混合或其他灵活的工作方式.

(来源:美世 People Risk调查2022)


